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Cancelled // White Ward [UA] + Special Guests: Decline of the I [FR] + Crowhurst (solo) [US]

  • Spillestedet Stengade 18 Stengade København, 2200 Denmark (map)

Vi er utrolig kede af at meddele at koncerten med White Ward er desværre aflyst grundet den frygtelige situation i deres hjemland Ukraine.

Det er vores håb at koncerten kan gennemføres på et andet tidspunkt i fremtiden men som i kan læse i bandets udtalelse lidt længere ned i dette opslag er der lige nu ingen planer for at omlægge koncerterne. Derfor refunderes alle købte billetter.

Vores tanker går til bandet og befolkningen i Ukraine.

Udtalelse fra White Ward:

"With a heavy heart, we need to inform you that our April tour is canceled. Last 2 weeks we fought for the fate of the tour. We tried all the possible ways, but the system proved to be stronger.

So, let's make it clear about what happened and about the reasons for the cancellation.

Right now “wartime” restrictions are applied in Ukraine, and they include limitations for men in ages 18-60 to cross the border, because it is a range when men are available for military service. So, there is a need to get special permission from state authorities to travel out of Ukraine. During the year 2022 the Ministry Of Culture helped Ukrainian musicians and different artists and assisted in acquiring such permits (for a limited time) and that is why we, and many other bands, were able to play in Europe last year.

But a working algorithm that allows to control the “way back” was not created and responsibilities related to the violations of the permission terms - were nowhere written. And that is why some impudent people just used this opportunity to run out of Ukraine and decided not to come back. Very few cases are known, but after the last one, which raised a lot of noise and dissatisfaction in the media, the Ministry Of Culture decided to implement immediate changes and new rules, even for artists who have already sent a request for permit weeks before an accident - we have sent such request on February, 20th. That is the reason why many Ukrainian bands like Schizogen, Bezlad, THE HYPNOTUNEZ, KAZKA, and many more have already canceled or almost canceled their tours. Some bands were affected when they were already at the border and shows should take place the next day, but due to new rules, they were not allowed to leave Ukraine!

The new rules suppose some additional documents to a request. In our case, every member of the band has his own difficulties in acquiring that, even with an immediate start - there is no guarantee that the process will be successful and accomplished in time. Also, that is anyway not a guarantee that the request will be approved - our colleagues` request was refused even with all the requested documents. So, we just can't get this permission and it is over.

We have tried everything, and the media noise was our last hope. But it hasn’t worked, unfortunately. Months of work, preparations, money - all this is now in vain.

We sincerely apologize to our fans, promoters, and everyone who helped us with this tour. We hope that one day we will make this tour real, and you will wait for us. We will still try to figure something out before Hellfest and August festivals, but no new tour announcements till the end of the war will be made.

But, the one and only responsible for this is russia. They broke everything by invading our country, killing our children, bombing our cities, destroying our culture, and applying all fascist methods to destroy us and we will never forget what they DID and are still DOING!"

Ukrainske White Ward tager på turné for samle ind til deres krigsramte hjemland og for bringe deres nyeste plade 'False Light' ud på scenerne. Det bliver første gange man kan opleve deres eksperimenterende avant-garde blanding af noir, moderne post, jazz og black metal i Danmark.

White Ward, the Ukrainian black metal experimentalists quintet, are back in 2023 with their biggest tour so far! One that brings them to Denmark and Stengade for the first time!

With their unanimously recognized new album, "False Light", White Ward will be playing 20 shows across 8 different countries, for the greatest pleasure of White Ward's fans all over Europe !

White Ward:
WHITE WARD, from Odesa, Ukraine performs intensely deviant metal music of a noir shade.

Formed in 2012 and taking root in raw depressive Black Metal, the band rapidly shed all boundaries, taking inspiration from an array of dark atmospheres including the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and I.M. Banks.

Exploring themes of borderline death states, aberrant afterlife worlds, and strange mental disorders, the WHITE WARD sound adapts the expansiveness of instrumental jazz and the depths of existential despair. After recording their first full-length album, "Futility Report", and being signed to Debemur Morti Productions, WHITE WARD is primed to embark much further on their divergent sonic journey.

The band continues to evolve and change directions with their second release, "Love Exchange Failure". Dark-jazz aesthetics appear more vibrant and deeper than ever before, while elements of blackened death, prog, and black metal scream out in an intense fury over vicious blast beats, courtesy of new drummer Noctum! Lyrical themes explore new dimensions, diving into the abyss of human psyche instead of creating Lovecraft-inspired worlds.

In June 2022, the Ukrainian Black Metal innovators unleashed their third album, "False Light", incorporating and intertwining various influences into a potent and dystopian mix. "False Light" is an indispensable record from a stunning band at the top of their game.

Special Guests: Decline of the I [FR] + Crowhurst (solo) [US]
Entry: 145 kr (excl. ticket fee) in pre-sale / 160 kr at the door!

Later Event: April 28
Wildr - Release Concert